We take a holistic approach to building your device and equipment. From the design and manufacture of each individual part to the full assembly, you get a plug-and-play tested unit that you know will function as intended.
Added-Value Assembly
At JINPAO, we take a holistic approach to building your device and equipment. From the design and manufacture of each individual part to the full assembly, you get a plug-and-play tested unit that you know will function as intended.
Our expertise in a variety of technologies consolidates your supply chain and results in streamlined shipping, accounting and auditing functions for our customers. We provide a value-added assembly solution (included testing after integration) customized for your company’s needs:
value-added assembly solution for plug-and-play tested units (included testing after integration)
Telecommunication Cabinets
Entertainment Products
Infrastructure Devices
IoT Devices
Kiosks terminals


JINPAO holds all the necessary equipment, machines and specialists for provide wide range of welding methods and types, included robotic welding systems and 3D Laser welding. With the TruLaser system we can change between cutting, welding, and laser metal deposition.
Modular machine set up, as well as the adjustment and retrofit options, enable us to ideally customize the machine to a changing production environment and to react to changing customer requirements with flexibility.